Not a final image. © 2017 Cryptum
Blockchain: The Cryptocurrency Board Game is a highly educational board game about cryptocurrencies, mining and investment.
Blockchain is an advanced engine-building, worker placement game where 1-5 players try to use their processing power to “mine” digital currencies and exchange them for Bitcoins and Ethereum, competing for the highest profit at the end of the last game round.
Players can upgrade their hardware with more powerful GPUs or even ASICs, install advanced software and updates, and invest in token crowdsales while they are collecting, selling and even dumping their altcoins in favor of Bitcoin or Ethereum at the end of each round, or speculating that they will have a higher cost in the future.
Player interaction is achieved through card drafting each round and event manipulation during the game turns.
The game features:
Blockchain board game has been planned together with 4 expansions, bringing updated market state, new rules, new hardware and upgrades, creating an accurate historical representation of the mineable digital currency market.
2 comments so far
keeganPosted on7:04 am - Nov 24, 2017
I want it out for the holidays of 2017. But you probably wont make that. Hurry up. Also date your headlines. I can’t tell when the last thing was posted in this site was!
Cryptum ICOPosted on3:39 pm - Nov 28, 2017
Can’t do it so fast, but we are working on the holidays, and probably most of it would be done right at that time. Right now we are all on the Cryptumcoin, just a ouple of days left.
The website will change to Cryptumcoin’s one, so all post would move there in time. With dates.